Sparkitive, LLC

DigitalMarketer Certified Partner
We help entrepreneurs build businesses that enable their lifestyle instead of taking over their life.

Our Services

Brand Strategy, Content Strategy, Marketing Strategy
DigitalMarketer Certified Partner

Sparkitive, LLC

You Should Hire Us If You…

If you find yourself nodding as you read these, we should talk…

🤩 You regularly drop knowledge bombs on people.
⌚ You’re busy and don’t have time to micromanage people.
🤯 You have lots of ideas, but don’t know where to start.
🥳 You want to make money, but you value your time more.

Company Description

I help entrepreneurs build businesses that enable their lifestyle instead of taking over their life.

My focus is on the big picture ideas and in-the-trenches execution to help entrepreneurs create scalable ways to generate profits while doing the things you need to do to create a community of raving fans.

My team and I specialize in messaging and translating the genius of experts into high-value content for their audience at any level — subscribers on a newsletter, followers on social media, butts in seats at live events, and everything in between.

Superpowers Into Sales Done-For-You Accelerator

Our most popular service is our Superpowers Into Sales Done-For-You Accelerator. In just 12 weeks, we build a full ecosystem of expertise to position you as THE thought leader for your future community of raving fans — including writing your book and revamping your entire online presence.

Discover Your Superpower Session

Our second most popular service is our Discover Your Superpower Session. We give you a series of questions to answer and then you get on a call with our experts to uncover 1) Your Superpower, 2) Your Ideal Niche, 3) Your Value, and 4) Your Elevator Pitch.


Our third most popular service is our consulting calls. Most of our clients struggle with a waterfall of new ideas — and to be fair, most of them are really good ideas. We help them prioritize based on which ones will have the biggest impact with the smallest investment of their personal time.


I help entrepreneurs build businesses that enable their lifestyle instead of taking over their life.

Christina Hooper, CEO


Search Marketing Specialist, Social Media Specialist, Digital Marketing Strategist, Content Marketing Specialist, Customer Acquisition Specialist, E-Commerce Marketing Mastery, Optimization & Testing Specialist, Customer Value Optimization Specialist, Email Marketing Specialist, Direct-Response Copywriting Specialist, Community Management Specialist, Analytics & Data Specialist


Connect on Social Media


4685 Happy Valley Rd, Unit #349, Flintstone, GA 30725

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