Jumpstart Marketing

DigitalMarketer Certified Partner
Jumpstart Marketing specializes in offering project-based marketing support for businesses ready to scale up but not quite ready to invest in the retainers required by most other marketing agencies. Our goal is to help you grow to the level where you can hire your internal marketing team. We do that by tailoring our services to meet you where you are and propel you forward. Call us when you’re ready to get noticed, win customers, and raise your bottom line.

Our Services

Marketing Strategy, Content Strategy, Brand Strategy
DigitalMarketer Certified Partner

Jumpstart Marketing

You Should Hire Us If You…

Obsessed with finding the right words to convey your message
Willing to ask any question and truly listen to the answers
Bias towards action
More than 45 years combined experience in marketing and communication for small businesses, non-profits, and major corporations

Company Description

Jumpstart Marketing specializes in offering project-based marketing support for businesses ready to scale up but not quite ready to invest in the retainers required by most other marketing agencies. Our goal is to help you grow to the level where you can hire your internal marketing team. We do that by tailoring our services to meet you where you are and propel you forward.

Call us when you’re ready to get noticed, win customers, and raise your bottom line.


I love ideas and learning about anything, nerd out over grammar, and have never met a guacamole I didn’t like.

Joy Bennett, Founder and Chief Strategist



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Cincinati, Ohio, USA

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